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Maren Wellenreuther - Going Beyond SNPs: Inversions as Facilitators of Eco-Evolutionary Change
2018 Hamilton Award winner: Dr Maren Wellenreuther
Dagilis:Prezygotic Isolation, Mating Preferences, and the Evolution of Chromosomal Inversions
Couglan: The role of chromosomal inversions in life history divergence and reproductive isolation
Old genetic variation: key to rapid adaptation and speciation? - David Marques
Parallel speciation and the role of chromosomal rearrangements
EvoBioCC Lecture on Speciation
NOAA 'Omics Seminar Series (October 20, 2021): Evaluation of the role of inversion polymorphisms
IPHC Seminar Series 20-01 Integrating adaptive genetic variation into fisheries management
NOAA 'Omics Seminar Series (February 23, 2022): Genetic mechanisms that facilitate local adaptation
AGS 2020 Session 2
The lecture of prof detlef weigel